Energy Subsidy Reform [2780]

A course on energy subsidies, their costs, and the design of a successful reform based on country case studies.

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Course Code:ESRx
Classes Start:1 Oct 2014
Course Length:2 weeks
Estimated effort:8 - 10 hours/week

About this Course

Energy subsidies are an issue in practically every country in the world. Pre-tax subsidies, which arise when energy consumers pay less than the supply cost of energy, are high in many emerging and developing economies, and have risen in recent years. Although pre-tax subsidies are not a large enough problem in advanced economies to cause fiscal difficulties, these countries have tax subsidies, where the taxes imposed on energy are not high enough to account for all of the adverse effects of excessive energy consumption, including on the environment. The issue of energy subsidy reform is not new. Despite widespread recognition of their adverse consequences, energy subsidies have proven difficult to reform.

This course builds on an extensive cross-country analysis, which is reported in the recently published IMF book on “Energy Subsidy Reform: Lessons and Implications,” to make recommendations on how to best implement reforms aimed at reducing state subsidies on energy.

In the first part of the course, economists from the IMF will introduce the definition and measurement of subsidies, and then describe the economic, social, and environmental implications of subsidies. The second part of the course has two principal purposes: first, to review what works best in energy subsidy reform, in light of country experiences globally; and second, to illustrate successes and failures in particular country contexts by summarizing some case studies.

Whether you are a civil servant working on economic issues for your country or simply interested in better understanding issues related to energy subsidies, this course will provide hands-on training on the design of successful reforms of energy subsidies.

You are welcome to join us in this exciting two-week course!

Energy Subsidy Reform is offered by the IMF with financial support from the Government of Belgium.


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Course Staff

  • Nooman Rebei

    Nooman Rebei

    Nooman Rebei is an Economist at the IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development. He has a Ph.D. in economics from University of Quebec at Montreal, specializing in macroeconomics and monetary and fiscal policies. Before joining the IMF, he was a Principal Economist in the Central Banks of Canada and Spain. He also worked at the African Development Bank as a research economist. Nooman is a national of Tunisia.

  • Samah Mazraani

    Samah Mazraani

    Samah Mazraani is an Economist at the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department. She obtained a B.S. in Mathematics and recently a Ph.D. in Economics from University of Pittsburgh, specializing in empirical macroeconomics and fiscal policy. At the IMF, Samah has worked in the Middle East and Central Asia Department, as well as the Fiscal Affairs Department focusing on different expenditure policy issues, such as subsidy reform, public investment, and public-private partnerships. Samah is a national of Lebanon.

  • Luc Moers

    Luc Moers

    Luc Moers is a Senior Economist in the IMF’s Middle East and Central Asia Department. He has mainly worked on low-income countries and policies, among which a field stint as the IMF’s Resident Representative in Tajikistan. Before joining the IMF, he was an Economist at the central bank of The Netherlands, and a Researcher at the Tinbergen Institute. He has also worked as a Consultant in the World Bank’s Development Economics Research Group, and held positions as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Guelph, and as a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Central Asia. He has a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Amsterdam, specializing in transition and development macroeconomics. Luc is a national of the Netherlands.

  • Masahiro Noxzaki

    Masahiro Nozaki

    Masahiro Nozaki is a Senior Economist at the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department. He has a Ph.D. in economics from Brown University. At the IMF, Masahiro has worked in the Asia and Pacific Department and the Western Hemisphere Department. Masahiro is a national of Japan.

  • Kangni Roland Kpodar

    Kangni Roland Kpodar

    Kangni Roland Kpodar, currently Senior Economist in the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department, joined the IMF in 2006. He graduated with a Ph.D. in economics from the CERDI in Clermont-Ferrand (France) and has worked on a number of developing and emerging economies. He has published extensively on financial development, poverty reduction, and fiscal issues. Kangni is a national of Togo.


Some knowledge of economics would be helpful, but is not required. Some graded assignments require the use of spreadsheets.

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