2024 Global Money Week Awareness Campaign for Children and Young People Kicks Off in Ukraine

18.03 15:15 | National Bank of Ukraine

Today, 2024 Global Money Week, an international financial awareness campaign for children and young people, has started in Ukraine.
This is the tenth time that the National Bank of Ukraine has supported this initiative and acted as the campaign’s official coordinator in Ukraine.
The key theme of this year’s event – “Protect your money, secure your future” is relevant to all participating countries, and is of particular importance in the context of the war in Ukraine.
This is because it focuses on safe money management and emphasizes the importance of a responsible and informed attitude to personal finances, awareness of financial risks, and the ability to protect your money from current fraudulent schemes.
This year’s Global Money Week will take place from 18 to 24 March 2024, simultaneously in Ukraine and around the world.
The participants will enjoy an eventful program of finance-related activities, as usual prepared by the NBU with support from the USAID’s Investment for Business Resilience project.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has invited preschoolers, schoolchildren, university students and educators to take part in the events.
With the participation of NBU experts and the NBU’s partners, various contests, master classes, webinars, and other social media events will be presented to children and young people.
“We are making every effort to ensure that Ukrainian children and young people grow up financially aware, despite the ongoing war”, said NBU Governor Andriy Pyshnyy.
“In this way, they will be able to make informed financial decisions, ensure they have the necessary level of well-being, be resilient in the face of economic crises and shocks, and engage in charity.
World Money Week is a great opportunity to demonstrate how financial literacy education can not only be a useful practical tool, but also an exciting adventure for children and young people.”
“USAID is happy to partner with the National Bank of Ukraine on the annual Global Money Week campaign to increase financial awareness of young Ukrainians and better prepare them to make informed, responsible financial decisions throughout their lives,” said James Hope, USAID Mission Director in Ukraine.
“By improving financial literacy, we contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable economic system that improves the overall financial well-being of the Ukrainian population.”
The NBU cares about the financial literacy of Ukrainians and is dedicated to creating an educational infrastructure and developing educational and methodological products for the successful implementation of financial literacy in the Ukrainian education system at various levels, from preschool to higher education.
This year’s Global Money Week will feature two powerful educational initiatives:
The first is the FinLit Forum conference: Development of Financial Literacy in School Education, which will take place on 20 March.
It is jointly organized by the NBU, the Deposit Guarantee Fund, and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with support from the USAID’s Investment for Business Resilience project.
Almost 2,500 teachers registered to participate in the conference online, which once again proves its relevance.
Read about it here: The second is the national final of the European Money Quiz, the largest financial quiz in Europe for teenagers aged 13 to 15, which participants from Ukraine are able to take part in for the second time.
The European Money Quiz is supported by the Euro Banking Association, its members, the National Bank of Ukraine, and the Independent Association of Ukrainian Banks.
Twenty-four teams – the winners of regional qualifiers – will compete for the right to represent Ukraine at the European competition.
To see how the regional qualifiers were held, click here.  A total of over 5,000 teachers who support the campaign in their educational institutions have registered to attend 2024 GMW events.
Representatives of Ukraine’s financial sector, banks, the Deposit Guarantee Fund, and non-governmental organizations involved in the development of financial literacy also take part in Global Money Week.
All educational events are held on a non-profit basis.
To learn more about 2024 GMW events and ideas, financial awareness education materials, and the NBU’s program of events for teachers, preschoolers, schoolchildren and university students, please visit the GMW website.
Background: Global Money Week is an international financial awareness campaign that is aimed at deepening the knowledge of finance in children and young people.
GMW has been held around the globe since 2012.
Over 176 countries have since joined the international initiative on financial literacy.
The National Bank of Ukraine, as the representative of Ukraine in the International Network on Financial Education of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and a member of the OECD’s GMW international working group, is the official coordinator of 2024 GMW events in Ukraine.
2024 GMW events in Ukraine have been made possible by support from the USAID’s Investment for Businesses Resilience project.

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