President on the importance of resisting the revenge of pro-Russian forces: In the next five years Putin will face a complete flop in Ukraine

19.04.2019 21:06 | Press office of President

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stresses that in the event of his victory in the presidential elections, plans of Russian president Vladimir Putin in Ukraine will fail.

"In the past five years, the president of Russia has not been able to achieve any of his goals as regards Ukraine. This is something we all have to be proud of. We have stopped Putin and the aggression in the east of our state, and the attempt to undermine Ukraine from the inside. We are the victorious people who withstood in the fight against the enemy, who has a much stronger and much more motivated army," the President said during a speech to the participants of the "Protect Ukraine" rally.

"And despite the fact that Putin has a much larger military budget and Russia is much better equipped with resources, I guarantee if I am elected on April 21, Putin will face a complete flop here in Ukraine in the next five years. And we will pass the point of no-return. Nobody will ever see Ukraine in Russian embrace, and we will enter the European Union," Petro Poroshenko stressed.

According to him, the issue of national security is important for us as never before. "In order to resist the Russian scenario, political will is needed. Strong ideological principles are needed. Diplomatic specialty is needed. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief's experience is needed," he emphasized.

The Head of State added: “The weaker the President of Ukraine is, the stronger the president of Russia is, the more opportunities Putin has to implement his plans as regards Ukraine”.

"Everyone must remember. The main thing for each Ukrainian is not to lose the country. Yes, it is very important what Ukraine will be. But the main thing for it to be Ukraine," Petro Poroshenko said, adding that from the statements of his opponent and from the presentation of his team, the image of Little Russia is being shaped more and more clearly.

"Today, our Ukraine is threatened with revenge, which can throw the whole country into the past. We are offered political and social experiments. For Ukrainians, as if they are fascinated by a TV show, to abandon the ideas of freedom, dignity and European future, for which people died here, in this holy for every Ukrainian place exactly five years ago. To destroy the achievements of the past years, which strengthened Ukraine, strengthened our independence, created a powerful spiritual foundation of our state. And to make all the sacrifice worthless," the Head of State said.

He noted that constant words of support for presidential candidate Volodymyr Zelensky from Moscow are very alarming. "From our emigrants like Azarov and other former “regionalists”. And from Zhirinovsky, Zyuganov, from Russian propaganda channels. This is the geopolitical measure of revenge: to stop Ukraine on its way to Europe and to bring our state and our people to the imperial stall," Petro Poroshenko emphasized.

At the same time, Petro Poroshenko said: "It is very important for people to understand us correctly. We respect the choice of others. And we do not in any way consider our opponent as an agent of the Kremlin. Absolutely not".

"But we are firmly convinced that Putin wants a weak, unprepared President-newcomer, which will allow the Kremlin to take Ukraine under control. Putin dreams of chaos and instability after the presidential elections. Putin dreams of forming a majority in the new Verkhovna Rada, which will halt our path to the European Union and NATO. We definitely will not allow him to do this. It is time when we need to speed up. Our national interests dictate so," Petro Poroshenko said.

The Head of State thanked everyone who came to the Independence Square: "It is extremely important for me to see our unity. It is extremely important for me that here, in the capital of Ukraine, from different parts of our country, in such an important moment of our history, we have shown that we are fighting and we are winning".

The President reminded that only two days separated us from the fateful voting on April 21: "It's not a choice between Ze and Poroshenko, as someone thinks. We know exactly the true bet on these elections. Will Ukraine continue its path to the European Union and NATO? Will everything be halted? Because this is something that is not enough to declare. These are the things that need to be believed in and worked over every day by our entire team, all over Ukraine".

"We can move very quickly to a free Europe, but we can roll back to an imperial Russia even faster," the President said.

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