В Міністерстві інфраструктури продовжується набір у технічний офіс підтримки реформ

23.01.2019 15:52 | Міністерство інфраструктури України

23 Січня 2019, 14:21Terms of Reference
Financial Analyst
(Category 3, Horisontal Legal & Analytical Support)
1. Objective(s) and linkages to Reforms
A Reform Support Team (RST) at the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine (MoI) is a group of Ukrainian professionals (non-civil servants) funded on a temporary basis by the donors that provides targeted technical support and assists in the design and implementation of priority reforms. The RST will assist in filling the capacity gaps in the design and implementation of priority reform strategies and programs, while strengthening links and partnerships between the Ministry´s priorities and relevant donor support.
RST is funded by the EBRD managed Ukraine Stabilisation and Sustainable Growth Multi-Donor Account (MDA). The contributors are: Denmark, the European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
The RST needs a Financial Analyst with strong financial and investment background, preferably in transport sector.  The Financial Analyst will work across the entire sector including highways and road transport, rail, aviation and marine and ports.
Financial Analyst will contribute to the development of the policies and procedures of the Ministry, participates in PPP/privatization projects (policy, implementation, roadmap), SOE management policy and implementation, evaluates investment opportunities, designs reports and presentations to different authorities.
2. Duration and proposed timeframe:
Total duration of current assignment is till December, 2019 (subjected to availability of the donor funding), two-month probation period should apply to the successful candidate.
3. Main Duties and Responsibilities:
Facilitation of reform implementation process in the sector:
-    Drafting roadmaps of reforms in SOE management 
-    Developing templates, presentation, analytical papers and researches
-    Maintaining and analyses of data and statistics
-    Input to the development of the Ministry’s policies and procedures
-    Providing information to the Senior Project Managers on the current status and potential compliance issues
-    Advising the Senior Project Managers on measures required in connection with the discovered issues
-    Assistance in drafting letters of instruction, progress reports and, due-diligence
-    Liaising with complainants, witnesses, state- and private-owned enterprises, individual entrepreneurs and governmental authorities (at different levels) in the context of investigations
-    Supporting the RST, the Ministry and SOEs in compliance-related investigations and proceedings
-    Preparation of the market research and analysis on infrastructural sector
-    Other responsibilities as assigned by the Director
-    Developing roadmap and work plan of transport sector and sub-sectors reform
-    Preparation of analytical materials on transport sector
-    Analytical support on implementation of transport sector reform process
-    Providing timely status updates on the reform plan implementation to the Director of the MoI RST and the Senior Project Managers
4. Qualifications, Skills and Experience:
-    At least Bachelor’s degree in finance, economics, business administration, law
-    Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret complex financial, investment, and commercial information
-    Excellent command of English and Ukrainian, both written and spoken
-    Experience in high-level negotiations, strong communication and presentation skills
-    Preferably more than 5 years of general professional experience. Minimum 1 year (preferably 3 years) of experience in private equity, investment banking or BIG4
-    Specific experience with maritime and inland waterways law, railway law, aviation law would be an advantage
-    Good analytical skills with the ability to interpret complex commercial and financial information
-    Good knowledge of accounting, taxation and legislation
-    Prior experience of work in public services reform team is a plus
-    Familiarity with the reform agenda in Ukraine
-    Experience in leading multidisciplinary teams is an asset
-    Experience in infrastructure sector is an asset
5. Assignment Value
The estimated monthly value of this consultancy position is in the region of EUR 400 - 1,000. The funding source of this assignment is the EBRD-Ukraine Stabilization and Sustainable Growth Multi-Donor Account. Please note selection and contracting will be subject to the availability of funding.
6. Submissions
Submissions must be prepared in English and delivered electronically by 12 February 2019 to the following address: hr.rst.miu@gmail.com
All submissions must include:
-          Filled Application Form (please find attached)
-          At least one professional reference letter (from the past supervisor / manager)
-          Applicant’s CV
-          Expected salary range (for information only)
Only complete submissions, containing the above, can be considered. Selected applicants will be invited to the interview.
7. Selection Procedure
Following the evaluation of all applications received, selected candidates will be invited to a brief written test in Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine (Peremohy ave, 14) covering both general and technical questions in both English and Ukrainian. Short-listed candidates will be invited to interview. The successful candidate will be required to provide a written professional reference (original in English, or Ukrainian with English translation) together with the contact details for two further referees who can attest to the professional and/or educational background of the candidate. Successful reference check will be a pre-condition to contracting.

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Bullish run, green gain
Stocks rise, wealth accumulates
Hopeful investors

- Fin.Org.UA


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