Stepping up NATO presence in the Black Sea will prevent further escalation and ensure security in the region - meeting between the President of Ukraine and the Secretary General of the Alliance

13.12.2018 20:32 | Press office of President

President Petro Poroshenko emphasizes that during the talks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg the parties held a constructive dialogue, discussed many issues of the agenda, and the situation in the Azov Sea was in the center of negotiations.

"We had a clear shared vision of what is happening. Russia has openly committed an act of aggression against Ukraine in the neutral waters of the Black Sea. I am very grateful that NATO supports Ukraine," the Head of State noted. He reminded of an urgent telephone call with Jens Stoltenberg several hours after the developments in the Azov Sea. The President thanked the allies for their solidarity.

"I commend the allies" appeal to Russia to immediately release Ukrainian sailors and ships without conditions, as well as to guarantee unimpeded access to Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov and restore freedom of navigation," Petro Poroshenko emphasized.

"Using open fire against Ukrainian ships, Russia has crossed the "red line". We cannot and will not leave it without a clear and strong answer," the President emphasized. He stressed that today the absolute priority is the return of Ukrainian servicemen.

"Ukraine and Allies have a joint view of Russia"s aggressive actions. We are witnessing an increasing threat of Russia in the Black Sea region, the Azov Sea and the Kerch Strait," the Head of State remarked.

"Russia has not just attacked Ukraine. Its deliberate military attack has tested the resolve of the entire Euro-Atlantic community. Russia has lost its credibility and confidence as a partner for dialogue. Our actions in response to Russian aggression in the Black Sea should be strong enough," the President said. According to him, Ukraine has invited the members of the Alliance to work out comprehensive, rigorous measures in response to Russia"s actions.

"NATO"s stepping up its permanent presence, as we have agreed, in the Black Sea, is necessary in order to prevent further escalation and ensure security in the region. This is what we need now. And we would be grateful if the NATO Air and Marine Monitoring Mission was launched," the President said.

According to the Head of State, Ukraine will also be grateful for the establishment of regular exchanges of information with NATO in order to provide better general situational awareness in the Black Sea and throughout the region. According to him, it is important for Ukraine to also take part in the Regional Airspace Security Program (RASP).

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, in turn, stressed that during the talks with the President of Ukraine a thorough discussion was held on the assistance to Ukraine and the aggressive actions of Russia in the Black Sea. "We are very concerned about the increased tension in the Sea of Azov and adjacent waters. There is no justification to the Russian attack on Ukrainian ships and seamen," he said.

"We urge Russia to immediately release all seamen and ships, and to provide freedom of navigation, including free access to Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov. We strictly condemn the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia. We do not and will not recognize it. The construction of the Kerch Strait Bridge is another violation of Ukraine"s sovereignty and territorial integrity," Jens Stoltenberg said.

NATO Secretary General added: "This is part of Russia’s pattern of destabilizing behavior".

“We are also supporting Ukraine to improve its naval capabilities, logistics and cyber defense. In response to Russia’s aggressive actions, NATO stepped up its presence in the Black Sea region over the past few years. We will continue to assess our posture there,” Jens Stoltenberg said.

The Secretary General of the Alliance thanked the President of Ukraine for the position of Ukraine and the actions of Ukrainian military in the framework of international law during the attack by Russian troops on Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait. "Mr. Poroshenko, I appreciate the strength and calm demonstrated by Ukraine during the developments near the Sea of Azov. Escalation will be in no one’s interests now," he said.

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