PM says Gov't is interested in attracting business and investment from Arab states into Ukraine

27.07.2016 13:04 | Fin.Org.UA / Ukrainian Government

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On Tuesday, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman met Ambassadors of Arab countries accredited in Kyiv. The meeting was aimed at discussing the urgent issues of the agenda of bilateral cooperation as well as coordination of projects in cooperation of Ukraine with countries of the region.

Opening the meeting, Volodymyr Groysman pointed out: "This is the first meeting of the head of the Ukrainian Government with the Ambassadors of all Arab countries represented in Ukraine. This is a good opportunity to discuss our bilateral relations, agree on a plan to foster our relationship."

The Prime Minister noted that Ukraine and Arab countries possess many opportunities for the development of both bilateral and regional cooperation, especially in energy, education, agriculture, IT technology and infrastructure.

"We have many areas for deepening our cooperation, and I wish we maximized the opportunities we have. The Government of Ukraine is interested in attracting your country, your business, investment into Ukraine, as well as in enhancing trade relations," said Volodymyr Groysman.

The Prime Minister informed about the Government’s steps for economic recovery, creating a favorable business climate and the development of the national economy, in particular, the practical measures of deregulation, privatization of state-owned enterprises, reform of Ukrainian customs, the establishment of the Office for Accompanying Investment under auspice of the Prime Minister.

The Head of Government called for the establishment of a permanent mechanism of cooperation with the Arab countries, which would give the opportunity to analyze and promptly resolve the priority issues of the agenda.

"We are interested in deepening our cooperation in order to find the real mechanisms of interaction. My goal is to provide for an ongoing dialogue," said Volodymyr Groysman.

The Prime Minister supported the proposal of the Ambassadors on preparing and holding Ukrainian-Arab Economic Forum, designed to promote enhanced trade cooperation and involvement of the Arab business community in the process of privatization of state enterprises in Ukraine.

In this context, Volodymyr Groysman invited the representatives of the Arab countries to participate in the second auction for the privatization of JSC Odesa Portside Plant. "For us it is important. We want a public, open privatization for Ukraine," said the Head of Government. In turn, the parties have shown interest of Arab businessmen to invest into Ukraine.

The heads of diplomatic missions of Arab countries, noting the great potential of cooperation with Ukraine, including in trade and economic sphere, praised the efforts of the Government of Ukraine in conducting reforms and necessary changes in various areas.

The participants of the meeting reached agreement on the settlement of some inherited issues of cooperation between Ukraine and Arab countries, particularly in education, visa regime, taxation of diplomatic missions.

The meeting was attended by the heads of diplomatic institutions of Saudi Arabia, Republic of Iraq, the Kingdom of Morocco, the Republic of Sudan, Libya, Algeria Democratic Republic of Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Palestine.


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