Harness Business Data [14377]

Build a fully-optimized business data warehouse in five courses.

Evaluate business needs, design a data warehouse, and integrate and visualize data using dashboards and visual analytics.

This Specialization covers data architecture skills that are increasingly critical across a broad range of technology fields. You’ll learn the basics of structured data modeling, gain practical SQL coding experience, and develop an in-depth understanding of data warehouse design and data manipulation. You’ll have the opportunity to work with large data sets in a data warehouse environment to create dashboards and Visual Analytics. You will use of MicroStrategy, a leading BI tool, OLAP (online analytical processing) and Visual Insights capabilities to create dashboards and Visual Analytics. In the final Capstone Project, you’ll apply your skills to build a small, basic data warehouse, populate it with data, and create dashboards and other visualizations to analyze and communicate the data to a broad audience.

Created by:

Industry Partners:

5 courses

Follow the suggested order or choose your own.


Designed to help you practice and apply the skills you learn.


Highlight your new skills on your resume or LinkedIn.

Advanced Specialization.
Designed for those already in the industry.
  1. COURSE 1

    Database Management Essentials

    Current session: Mar 6 — May 1.
    7 weeks of study, 4-6 hours/week
    English, Chinese (Simplified)

    About the Course

    Database Management Essentials provides the foundation you need for a career in database development, data warehousing, or business intelligence, as well as for the entire Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence specialization. In this course, you will create relational databases, write SQL statements to extract information to satisfy business reporting requests, create entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) to design databases, and analyze table designs for excessive redundancy. As you develop these skills, you will use either Oracle or MySQL to execute SQL statements and a database diagramming tool such as the ER Assistant to create ERDs. We’ve designed this course to ensure a common foundation for specialization learners. Everyone taking the course can jump right in with writing SQL statements in Oracle or MySQL.
    Show or hide details about course Database Management Essentials
  2. COURSE 2

    Data Warehouse Concepts, Design, and Data Integration

    Upcoming session: Mar 13 — Apr 24.

    About the Course

    This is the second course in the Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence specialization. Ideally, the courses should be taken in sequence. In this course, you will learn exciting concepts and skills for designing data warehouses and creating data integration workflows. These are fundamental skills for data warehouse developers and administrators. You will have hands-on experience for data warehouse design and use open source products for manipulating pivot tables and creating data integration workflows.You will also gain conceptual background about maturity models, architectures, multidimensional models, and management practices, providing an organizational perspective about data warehouse development. If you are currently a business or information technology professional and want to become a data warehouse designer or administrator, this course will give you the knowledge and skills to do that. By the end of the course, you will have the design experience, software background, and organizational context that prepares you to succeed with data warehouse development projects. In this course, you will create data warehouse designs and data integration workflows that satisfy the business intelligence needs of organizations. When you’re done with this course, you’ll be able to: * Evaluate an organization for data warehouse maturity and business architecture alignment; * Create a data warehouse design and reflect on alternative design methodologies and design goals; * Create data integration workflows using prominent open source software; * Reflect on the role of change data, refresh constraints, refresh frequency trade-offs, and data quality goals in data integration process design; and * Perform operations on pivot tables to satisfy typical business analysis requests using prominent open source software
    Show or hide details about course Data Warehouse Concepts, Design, and Data Integration
  3. COURSE 3

    Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses

    Upcoming session: Mar 13 — Apr 24.

    About the Course

    Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses is the third course in the Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence specialization. In this course, you’ll use analytical elements of SQL for answering business intelligence questions. You’ll learn features of relational database management systems for managing summary data commonly used in business intelligence reporting. Because of the importance and difficulty of managing implementations of data warehouses, we’ll also delve into storage architectures, scalable parallel processing, data governance, and big data impacts.
    Show or hide details about course Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses
  4. COURSE 4

    Business Intelligence Concepts, Tools, and Applications

    Upcoming session: Mar 13 — Apr 24.
    5 weeks of study, 3-5 hours/week
    English, Chinese (Simplified)

    About the Course

    This is the fourth course in the Data Warehouse for Business Intelligence specialization. Ideally, the courses should be taken in sequence. In this course, you will gain the knowledge and skills for using data warehouses for business intelligence purposes and for working as a business intelligence developer. You’ll have the opportunity to work with large data sets in a data warehouse environment and will learn the use of MicroStrategy’s Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Visualization capabilities to create visualizations and dashboards. The course gives an overview of how business intelligence technologies can support decision making across any number of business sectors. These technologies have had a profound impact on corporate strategy, performance, and competitiveness and broadly encompass decision support systems, business intelligence systems, and visual analytics. Modules are organized around the business intelligence concepts, tools, and applications, and the use of data warehouse for business reporting and online analytical processing, for creating visualizations and dashboards, and for business performance management and descriptive analytics.
    Show or hide details about course Business Intelligence Concepts, Tools, and Applications
  5. COURSE 5

    Design and Build a Data Warehouse for Business Intelligence Implementation

    Upcoming session: Mar 20 — May 8.
    6 weeks of study, 3-5 hours/week

    About the Capstone Project

    The capstone course, Design and Build a Data Warehouse for Business Intelligence Implementation, features a real-world case study that integrates your learning across all courses in the specialization. In response to business requirements presented in a case study, you’ll design and build a small data warehouse, create data integration workflows to refresh the warehouse, write SQL statements to support analytical and summary query requirements, and use the MicroStrategy business intelligence platform to create dashboards and visualizations. In the first part of the capstone course, you’ll be introduced to a medium-sized firm, learning about their data warehouse and business intelligence requirements and existing data sources. You’ll first architect a warehouse schema and dimensional model for a small data warehouse. You’ll then create data integration workflows using Pentaho Data Integration to refresh your data warehouse. Next, you’ll write SQL statements for analytical query requirements and create materialized views to support summary data management. Finally, you will use MicroStrategy OLAP capabilities to gain insights into your data warehouse. In the completed project, you’ll have built a small data warehouse containing a schema design, data integration workflows, analytical queries, materialized views, dashboards and visualizations that you’ll be proud to show to your current and prospective employers.
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  • University of Colorado System

    The University of Colorado promotes innovation, encourages discovery, and supports the extension of knowledge in ways unique to the state of Colorado and worldwide.

    The University of Colorado is a recognized leader in higher education on the national and global stage. We collaborate to meet the diverse needs of our students and communities. We promote innovation, encourage discovery and support the extension of knowledge in ways unique to the state of Colorado and beyond.

  • Jahangir Karimi

    Jahangir Karimi

  • Michael Mannino

    Michael Mannino

    Associate Professor


Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence Specialization

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- Fin.Org.UA


00:00 - Новини від Міністерства енергетики України
21:00 - Новини 10 травня: найбільший в Україні центр протезування, 7 мільярдів на відбудову енергосистеми
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20:02 - Інформація щодо участі в роботі засідання комітету СОТ з торгівлі та навколишнього середовища (24 – 25 квітня 2024 року)
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19:36 - Оперативна допомога для відновлення та підготовка до зими: зустріч Германа Галущенка і Посла Японії в Україні Мацуди Кунінорі
19:22 - "Укрпошта" продаватиме на аукціонах посилки, які були незатребувані протягом 6 місяців
19:18 - Участь Міністерства економіки України у засіданні Уряду 7 травня 2024 року
19:16 - Участь Міністерства економіки України у роботі Верховної Ради України 8-10 травня 2024 року
19:07 - Військові зможуть отримувати високофункціональні протези швидше: уряд ухвалив відповідне рішення
18:36 - Бельгія виділяє 9 мільйонів євро на відновлення енергоінфраструктури України
18:32 - США підтвердили військову допомогу Україні ще на $400 млн
18:30 - Стартує повторне обговорення Положення про ведення касових операцій у національній валюті
18:12 - Укренерго налагодило ритмічні поставки обладнання для ремонтів
18:05 - Україна впроваджує європейське регулювання обігу хімічних речовин та продукції на національному ринку
18:00 - Серебро и золото быстро восстановились. Что дальше?
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17:55 - "Ліси України" ініціювали понад 250 справ за фактами зловживань на своїх підприємствах
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17:36 - Захисники зможуть отримувати високофункціональні протези швидше
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16:42 - Заступник Міністра фінансів провела робочу зустріч з керівництвом АТ “Укрпошта” в рамках проекту ЄБРР з розвитку Укрпошти
16:20 - Уряд виділив понад 7 мільярдів на відбудову енергосистеми

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