Young Entrepreneurs 2017 NUCC [15934]

This spring NUCC is organising the 3rd version of our Young Entrepreneurs Program, in collaboration with our partners, Nord universitet and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Deadline for applying is February 20th.

The program is an opportunity to learn more about how to do business in Norway and Ukraine. During the program you will meet businesses, policy makers and relevant organisations in Norway and Ukraine.

During the length of the Program you will be able to work with a concrete business case, that if successful can evolve into real business, as it did for last year’s seafood business case. There will also be business cases covering other topics and different industries, such as energy and ICT.

The program is for everyone who is interested in gaining and improving business experience, specifically between Ukraine and Norway. The Program will be held one week in Norway in April and one week in Ukraine in June. The program is fully funded by Utenriksdepartementet and participation is free.

For more information and application form please visit our website by clicking the picture below.

About the program

“Young Entrepreneurs” is a business-educational program which aim is to bring together ambitious business-minded Norwegians and Ukrainians with one thing in common: Their passion for increasing investments and trade between in and between Norway and Ukraine. Despite of positive trade statistics and trends between Ukraine and Norway, Ukraine is still unknown for many Norwegians – meaning that we have not reached the full trade potential between our countries.

During two intensive weeks, one in Norway and one in Ukraine, you get first-hand guidance on creating and doing business in and between Norway and Ukraine. Throughout the program, the participants visit numerous Norwegian and Ukrainian businesses and meet with authorities and NGOs focusing on Business Ethics, Good Corporate Governance and Anti-Corruption. Moreover, the candidates work with concrete business cases that should lead into real business – as they did in both 2015 and 2016.

Overarching goals:

  • Exchange of Norwegian-Ukrainian knowledge and competence
  • Contribution of the development of international economy and democracy
  • Building cross-boarder network between entrepreneurs, businesses and university professors from Norway and Ukraine
  • Facilitation of cross-boarder business partnerships

However, it is not all about business; by joining the program as participant you increase your intercultural understanding and get friends for life. Through our Alumni network, you will meet the participants from the previous editions of Young Entrepreneurs.

Together with our dedicated partners, Nord University and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU), we look forward to receiving your application for Young Entrepreneurs 2017.

The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is general sponsor of the Young Entrepreneurs program.

Please contact us by any inquiries:

Henrik Hamborg
+47 416 93 547
Linda S. Oksnes
+47 414 34 553
Practical information
  • Application deadline is set to February 20th 2017
  • To complete your application, you will need to provide us with three forms/documents:
    - Application form
    - 1 page Letter of Motivation where you describe the relevance of your candidacy and your motivation for applying
    - Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Out of all applications, NUCC will choose the 30-35 most relevant candidates for an interview
  • The 20 most qualified candidates will be taken into the program
  • All applicants will be notified in written form of either of the decisions by March 15th 2017


Both sessions are mandatory. In addition, the participants will have to work with their business case (in groups) between the sessions in April and June. The results from the work with business cases will be presented for a jury during the second session in June.

Participation fee:

Thanks to a grant from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NUCC will cover all program-related expenses, including travel costs (from the closest international airport), accommodation, social activities and meals.

Transportation to/from the closest international airport as well as travel insurance, visa application fee (if needed) and personal expences are to be covered by each participant. This also applies if you want to extend your stay in Norway and/or Ukraine.

Program 2017

We will continuously work on the program and will be presented during Q1 2017. What we already know, is that we will have a varied program consisting of of lectures, discussions, group-work, business cases and social activities.

You can have a look into the 2016-program here and find more information in our Young Entrepreneurs booklet.

First sessionApril 23rd – 29th 2017
Second sessionJune 11th – 17th 2017

Statements from previous participants

Mehreen - participant 2016

"The Young Entrepreneurs program has been one of the most fulfilling programs I have participated in. I have been able to learn so much about Ukrainian culture, business environment, geo-political landscape and challenges in a short span of time. The program has been great in terms of meeting inspiring and passionate people with new ideas, eager to lift Ukraine up economically and achieve great things.

I think what worked best was bringing people together from both countries and giving them a combined cultural and academic experience in different places, both in Ukraine and Norway. I felt we were able to learn new ideas and see their implementation in real life through classroom lectures and company visits. Not the least, the friendships will go a long way in future to build further".


Viktoriya - participant 2016

"Being part of the "Young Entrepreneurs" was a unique experience for me, both professionally and socially. When I applied my expectations were limited to learning how to make right business choices in conducting international business operations, work in groups and develop real business plans. Five months later I gained priceless knowledge, skills and experience. I found myself among inspiring role models, people who share the same interests and values.

"Young Entrepreneurs" offers a glimpse into numerous businesses – that is what makes it so special for young and creative entrepreneurs! Great teamwork, tight-knit agenda, opportunity to meet amazing people, not to mention unbelievable nature and chance to get to know Norwegian culture – sounds incredible, doesn’t it? Participation in the Programme helped to identify my strong sides and my weaknesses which gave me right directions on how to further develop in business. Even though YEP 2016 is over, I am looking forward to cooperate and build constructive dialogue between Ukraine and Norway. Thank you for unforgettable moments of my life!"

Alex - participant 2015

"The Young Entrepreneurs Program, was a fantastic experience! I had a chance to visit one of the most developed countries in the world – Norway, and learnt how to make business with companies from there. It was rewarding and exciting to be a part of the team of exceptionally talented people from Ukraine and Norway – some of them had their own up-and-running international business, some achieved outstanding professional results.

What made our experience really unforgettable was the high-level organization of this program – top-notch management and attention to every detail were key factors in delivering a successful result"


Anatolii - participant 2015

"Together with 15 talented Ukrainians, I had a chance to participate in the Young Entrepreneurs Program 2015. It entailed a number of sleepless days and nights, challenging tasks, a lot of useful and interesting information, inspiring meetings, hard discussions and debates, business-case solving and of course fun. I do not even know whether I learned more about Norway or Ukraine – probably both! We visited Bodø, Oslo, Kyiv, Fastiv, Chernihiv and Lviv.

I had the opportunity see production facilities, talk to Norwegian and Ukrainian companies, international NGOs, journalists, politicians and local authorities. Without a doubt the right way for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to invest in development of further cooperation between Norway and Ukraine"

Monica - participant 2016

"I applied for the Young Entrepreneurs program based on my previous experiences with working in Ukraine. I was hungry for new opportunities to involve in projects with this country full of inspiring young people and interesting businesses. NUCC gave me the chance to explore more of Ukraine and its people, and I am forever grateful. The participants, program and organizers held a very high level of skills.

I have learned more about how to do business in both of our countries, and also got new friends I hope I will know the rest of my life. From Young Entrepreneurs I have gained more than I ever imagined, both on a personal level as well as in a business context"


Nord University


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Norwegian Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

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