President: Ukraine is a country of modern opportunities

17.12.2018 21:00 | Press office of President

President Petro Poroshenko is convinced that Ukraine is a country where talented and prospective youth can realize themselves. "Undoubtedly, modern Ukraine is a country of modern opportunities. Opportunities for self-realization, realization of dreams, plans and ambitions,” the Head of State noted during a meeting with the lecturers and students of Dnipro.

"To date, we have 19 universities of the world, with which the Kyiv National University has concluded agreements on double degree - you can easily go and get it. Today the doors are open," the President said. He informed that during his last visit to Turkey he had discussed the possibility of concluding agreements on double degree of Ukrainian universities and the Istanbul National University.

The President assured the students that the state would work to support the realization of their aspirations. "For this purpose, I decided to create a state fund of the President to support scientific and educational programs and youth programs. But there is only an initiative from the President there. An absolutely transparent commission selects the appeals of young people who want to receive grants," he said.

The Head of State is convinced that Ukrainian young scientists should not receive grants from other countries - European countries, USA. "Why is Ukraine unable to provide grants to support our young scientists under the guarantee that they will return and this will not be the export of brains? And why cannot we support talented but not wealthy students, not from wealthy families, who can go to study under a special masters program abroad? There are dozens or hundreds of young people who will be able to use a transparent procedure, to use programs in order to return to Ukraine and develop Ukrainian science, and use the fruits of Ukrainian and foreign education," Petro Poroshenko said.

"These are additional conditions and tools for supporting intellectual youth, students in providing state financial assistance, not just the assistance of sponsors," the President said.

He once again stressed that the financial assistance provided by the fund would provide young people with a range of educational programs. "But it is society that should define what kind of scientific research will be carried out in the world's leading higher education institutions and research institutions. And I am convinced that this will become the basis for implementing promising advanced educational and scientific programs," Petro Poroshenko said, adding that education, science, intellectual enrichment of the nation is one of the priorities of his policy.

At the same time, the Head of State noted that considerable resources must be allocated for the defense of the country and the confrontation with Russian aggression. "This is the first priority," he emphasized.

"I want to emphasize that today we are struggling not only for the Ukrainian land - we are fighting for our future. And we will not allow the Kremlin to deprive us of this future. Because you are very creative people, you are free people who are not poisoned by the Soviet times. You have already grown up in an independent Ukraine. And this is our chance to win. You are patriotic. You are the driving force behind the changes in the country. Do not be afraid to set ambitious tasks for yourself. Do not be afraid to be the first in the best scientific institutions in the world," Petro Poroshenko emphasized.

"Ukraine counts on your knowledge, Ukraine counts on your readiness to serve the country," he also emphasized.

The President noted that the development of science requires replenishment of the industry by young scientists. "To do this, it is definitely necessary to attract talented young people to science and encourage young people to engage in science, to see the prospects of international activity, career growth and financial support. This is absolutely normal. And I am convinced that thanks to you, your perseverance, your work, thanks to young intellectuals throughout the country, we will definitely be able to establish a European choice," the Head of State summed up.

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