Volodymyr Groysman tackles prospects of cooperation with Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania and Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland

31.05.2016 18:52 | Fin.Org.UA / Ukrainian Government

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Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman held a meeting with Loreta Graužinienė, Speaker of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, and Stanisław Karczewski, Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland on Tuesday, May 31. The parties discussed future cooperation between the countries as well as the progress of reforms in Ukraine and the situation in Donbas.

Volodymyr Groysman thanked for the support of Ukraine by Lithuania and Poland. "We know your stance on the challenges Ukraine is facing these days. We feel your support and the support of your countries, in particular in the issue of backing Ukraine in the difficult situation as a result of the Russian aggression. For us, your assistance is very important", he stressed.

The Prime Minister informed the interlocutors about the plans of reforming country. Among the top priorities for the Government are macroeconomic stabilization, an efficient fight against corruption, further deregulation and the appointment of professional management to the state-owned enterprises, open privatization. Moreover, the agenda includes the structural reforms in education and healthcare sectors, constitutional and judicial reforms, retrofitting of the national security and defense areas and reforming of the energy sector.

Volodymyr Groysman noted that May 1 the Government had triggered a large-scale public service reform and established a single market-based gas price. Until the end of August it is planned to introduce electronic Declaration of civil servants, he added.

The Prime Minister said that the Cabinet of Ministers had embarked on an ambitious reform of the Ukrainian customs and urged to cooperate in this sphere. "The Ukrainian customs is a symbol of Ukrainian corruption, and I am absolutely resolute to draw the line in this issue", said Volodymyr Groysman.

The Government will prolong collaboration with the European Union and continue the way of European integration. He reminded that the composition of the Cabinet of Ministers had been added firstly with the post of Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine, which proves a "clear focus of attention” by the Government, he stressed.

The Prime Minister pointed up an issue of introduction of a visa-free regime by the European Union for Ukraine. "Ukraine has fulfilled all the requirements and we would like very much that in the near future a resolution of the European Parliament could be approved as it was envisaged in the Action Plan on visa liberalization by the European Union for Ukraine. It is very important as any change in this decision will be a very bad sign for the Ukrainian society", he emphasized.

Moreover, Volodymyr Groysman called on the representatives of Lithuania and Poland to make all possible efforts to expedite the process of ratification of the Association Agreement of Ukraine with the European Union.

The Prime Minister informed the envoys about the situation in Donbas and emphasized the importance to prolong sanctions against the Russian Federation. "Now the defense in our eastern borders actually means defense in the east of the EU," he said.

The Prime Minister expressed his commitment to deepen cooperation between the countries, which is crucial “taking into account both the experience, and changes, that Ukraine needs". "I will do my utmost to ensure at the Government level, at the Parliamentary level and at the level of our peoples, that we only intensify our cooperation. There exist huge opportunities to prolong interaction between our countries", accentuated Volodymyr Groysman.

The representatives of the Parliaments of the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Poland highly appreciated the progress of Ukraine in implementing reforms, particularly in the issues of strengthening its energy independence. They stressed the need to pursue necessary structural changes and pledged their support for Ukraine on the path of reforms.

Stanisław Karczewski, Marshal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland, officially invited the Prime Minister to take part in a meeting of the Visegrad Group Prime Ministers due on 7-8 September in Krynica. Volodymyr Groysman accepted the offer.


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