
English for Doing Business in Asia - Speaking

Introducing strategies for developing your spoken English communication skills in the context of doing business in Asia.

Course Code:EBA101x
Classes Start:September 2014
Course Length:7 weeks
Estimated effort:3 - 4 hours/week

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Supply Chain and Logistics Fundamentals

SC1x is an introduction to the fundamental concepts for logistics and supply chain management from both analytical and practical perspectives.

Course Code:CTL.SC1x
Classes Start:30 Sep 2014
Course Length:11 weeks
Estimated effort:6 - 8 hours/week

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Introduction to Linux

Develop a good working knowledge of Linux using both the graphical interface and command line, covering the major Linux distribution families. 

Course Code:LFS101x
Classes Start:1 Aug 2014

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Leeds International Research Scholarships are available to high quality international students who will be commencing PhD research study in January 2015.

Leeds International Research Scholarships are available to high quality international students who will be commencing PhD research study in January 2015.

Value of awards: Fees at the international rate and a maintenance of £10,000 per annum.

Number of studentships available: Up to 9 available for study in any Faculty at the University of Leeds.

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Marketing Studentships

Marketing Studentships: Deadline for applications:Thursday 1st May 2014 (Midnight UK time)

Application Form:Download here  

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University of Leeds 110 Anniversary Research Scholarships

To celebrate our 110th anniversary this year, a total of 110 new UK/EU scholarships will be available across the university for 2014 and 2015 entry, Up to six for Business School PhDs starting in October 2014. Outstanding scholars from any discipline are invited to apply for the funding. For more information, eligibility criteria and how to apply, please visit University of Leeds 110 Anniversary Research ScholarshipsDEADLINE 30 APRIL 2014.

We are particularly interested in applications relating to the following research areas:

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ESRC Grant - Linked studentships in Consumer Data Analytics

Download an application form - Application Extended deadline 30th April 2014

Project B: Ethical Consumption.  Leeds University Business School

Number of awards: x4 Full Time Studentships available (4 projects)

Value of award: tuition fees at the relevant Full time UK / EU rate, and a standard RCUK maintenance grant  per annum for 2014/15 session £13,863. 

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Economics International Studentship, University of Leeds, UK

1 tuition-fee studentship is available for International applicants who are commencing full-time PhD research study for the first time within the Economics Division from 1st October 2014.

Deadline for applications: Thursday 1st May 2014 (Midnight UK Time)

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Innovation and Commercialization

Covers from human process of innovating to innovation ecosystems.


Innovation and Commercialization is taught by distinguished practicing innovators. They debunk the concept of innovation as a linear process, from research to development to product in the market. They present a simple model for understanding it as a highly iterative process, in which you cycle repeatedly through many factors in the areas of Technology, Market and Implementation -- until the right pieces come together. Prof. Fitzgerald tells the story of his own major innovation, tracing it along the winding path into products we use every day. The course then proceeds to tell the larger story of how the vaunted American 'pipeline' for carrying this process has been pulled apart.

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Introduction to Water Treatment

Learn about urban water services, focusing on basic drinking water and wastewater treatment technologies


This course will detail urban water services, focusing on basic drinking water and wastewater treatment technologies. Unit processes involved in the two treatment chains will be described as well as the physical, chemical and biological processes involved. There will be an emphasis on water quality and the functionality of each unit process within the treatment chain.  After the course one should be able to recognise the process units, describe their function and make simple design calculations on water treatment  plants (drinking and waste water).  Overall the course will teach the role of treatment technologies in providing adequate water supply and effective sanitation which are essential for human society and the safeguarding of public and environmental health.

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Solar Energy. Discover the power of solar energy and design a complete photovoltaic system.

The course Solar Energy will teach you to design a complete photovoltaic system. The course will introduce you to the technology that converts solar energy into electricity, heat and solar fuels with a main focus on electricity generation.  Photovoltaic (PV) devices are presented as advanced semiconductor devices that deliver electricity directly from sunlight. The emphasis is on understanding the working principle of a solar cell, fabrication of solar cells, PV module construction and the design of a PV system. You will understand the principles of the photovoltaic conversion (the conversion of light into electricity). You will learn about the advantages, limitations and challenges of different solar cell technologies, such as crystalline silicon solar cell technology, thin film solar cell technologies and the latest novel solar cell concepts as studied on lab-scale.  The course will treat the specifications of solar modules and show you how to design a complete solar system for any particular application. The suitable semiconductor materials, device physics, and fabrication technologies for solar cells are presented. The guidelines for design of a complete solar cell system for household application are explained. Alternative storage approaches through solar fuels or conversion of solar energy in to heat will be discussed.  The cost aspects, market development, and the application areas of solar cells are presented.

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Investment Analysis

Investment analysis develops the concepts and tools needed to analyze publicly traded securities (e.g., stocks, bonds, options and futures), and apply these tools to real world situations. The course deals with the nature of the securities that trade in the market place, the determination of securities prices, the relationships between these prices, and the optimal choice of a portfolio or trading strategy involving these securities. This course will prepare you to understand and intelligently apply AFTP trading strategies.

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This course provides an introduction to modern intertemporal macroeconomics. Topics covered include consumption, investment, asset pricing, real business cycles, the macroeconomic effects of fiscal and monetary policy and the problems encountered in the actual implementation of economic policy.

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Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives

Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives provides students with an understanding of how derivative products work, how they are traded, how they are used, and how they are valued. It covers forwards, futures, swaps and options. It explains both exchange-traded and over-the-counter markets. It covers both the binomial tree and Black-Scholes -Merton valuation models and discusses how financial institutions use “Greek letters” such as delta and gamma. Students will use the widely acclaimed DerivaGem software developed by the instructor and his colleagues.

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Internet History, Technology, and Security

About the Course

The impact of technology and networks on our lives, culture, and society continues to increase. The very fact that you can take this course from anywhere in the world requires a technological infrastructure that was designed, engineered, and built over the past sixty years. To function in an information-centric world, we need to understand the workings of network technology. This course will open up the Internet and show you how it was created, who created it and how it works. Along the way we will meet many of the innovators who developed the Internet and Web technologies that we use today.
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Introduction to Systematic Program Design - Part 1

Gregor Kiczales

This course is about learning to program well: building programs that are elegant, well tested and easy to maintain. The course is intended for students with no programming experience, but many former students who already knew how to program have said it made them better programmers.

Workload: 7-9 hours/week 

Jun 3rd 2013 (8 weeks long)
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Lecture 2 - Risk and Financial Crises (ECON 252: FINANCIAL MARKETS 2011, Yale University)



Professor Shiller introduces basic concepts from probability theory and embeds these concepts into the concrete context of financial crises, with examples from the financial crisis from 2007-2008. Subsequent to a historical narrative of the financial crisis from 2007-2008, he turns to the definition of the expected value and the variance of a random variable, as well as the covariance and the correlation of two random variables. The concept of independence leads to the law of large numbers, but financial crises show that the assumption of independence can be deceiving, in particular through its impact on the computation of Value at Risk measures. Additionally, he covers regression analysis for financial returns, which leads to the decomposition of a financial asset’s risk into idiosyncratic and systematic risk. Professor Shiller concludes by talking about the prominent assumption that random shocks to the financial economy are normally distributed. Historical stock market patterns, specifically during crises times, establish that outliers occur too frequently to be compatible with the normal distribution. 


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Lecture 1 - Introduction and What this Course Will Do for You and Your Purposes (ECON 252: FINANCIAL MARKETS 2011)


Professor Shiller provides a description of the course, including its general theme, the relevant textbooks, as well as the interplay of his course with Professor Geanakoplos's course "Economics 251 – Financial Theory." Finance, in his view, is a pillar of civilized society, dealing with the allocation of resources through space and time in order to manage big and important risks. After talking about finance as an occupation, he emphasizes the moral imperative to use wealth for the purposes of philanthropy, in the spirit of Andrew Carnegie, but also of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. Subsequently, he introduces the guest speakers David Swensen, Yale University's chief investment officer, Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at American International Group (AIG) and current CEO of C.V. Starr & Co. and of Starr International, and Laura Cha, former vice chair of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong and of the government of the People’s Republic of China, and director of the Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC). Finally, he concludes with a description of the topics to be discussed in each lecture.

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Промисловий потенціал України: проблеми та перспективи структурно-інноваційних трансформацій

Промисловий потенціал України: проблеми та перспективи структурно-інноваційних трансформацій [Електронний ресурс] / Вікторія Миколаївна Белінська та інш.

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Формирование отношений государства и крупного бизнеса в зарубежных странах и в России

Осадчий Н. М. "Формирование отношений государства и крупного бизнеса в зарубежных странах и в России"

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Новейшие технологии в машиностроении

У збірнику опубліковано статті за такими напрямками: прогресивні та високоефективні методи механічної, оздоблюючої та зміцнюючи обробки матеріалів; дослідження процесів різання та нових типів ріжучого інструменту; реновація деталей обладнання та інструменту методами термічного зміцнення, поверхневої модифікації, наплавлення та напилення.

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The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2009

Приведены основные статьи Нобелевских лауреатов 2009 года по экономике.

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Потенциал национальной промышленности

Потенциал национальной промышленности: цели и механизмы эффективного развития - 928 с.

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Корпоративное управление в государственных и частных компаниях в эпоху перемен

Корпоративное управление в государственных и частных компаниях в эпоху перемен/Под ред. А. Ландиа и А.А. Филатова, Москва 2009 г.

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Суверенные фонды благосостояния на рынках ценных бумаг

Казакевич П.А."Суверенные фонды благосостояния на рынках ценных бумаг". Диссертация

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Cледующие 25 новостей Предыдущие 25 новостей

Акції впали,
Спад хоче зіпсувати всіх
Але не зупинить.

- Fin.Org.UA


15:42 - Надходження до місцевих бюджетів Дніпропетровщини від юридичних осіб – платників плати за землю склали понад 469,3 млн гривень
15:35 - Майже на 67 відсотків збільшились надходження до місцевих бюджетів Дніпропетровщини від платників акцизного податку за операціями з пальним
15:32 - Дніпропетровщина: понад 815,0 млн грн – внесок платників ПДФО до загального фонду держбюджету
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11:19 - Майже на 67 відсотків збільшились надходження до місцевих бюджетів Дніпропетровщини від платників акцизного податку за операціями з пальним
11:18 - Дніпропетровщина: понад 815,0 млн грн – внесок платників ПДФО до загального фонду держбюджету

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Австралійський долар26.1624
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Юань Женьміньбі5.7282
Чеська крона1.7337
Данська крона5.8236
Гонконгівський долар5.3666
Індійська рупія0.48099
Новий ізраїльський шекель11.6899
Мексиканське песо2.0265
Молдовський лей2.2312
Новозеландський долар23.5374
Норвезька крона3.705
московський рубль0.45954
Сінгапурський долар30.9443
Шведська крона3.8479
Швейцарський франк46.0652
Єгипетський фунт0.8255
Фунт стерлінгів52.1178
Долар США41.7996
Білоруський рубль15.1932
Азербайджанський манат24.5851
Румунський лей8.7273
Турецька ліра1.1574
СПЗ (спеціальні права запозичення)54.5683
Болгарський лев22.2126
Алжирський динар0.30885
Вірменський драм0.105011
Домініканське песо0.67874
Іранський ріал0.0000722
Іракський динар0.031852
Ліванський фунт0.000425
Лівійський динар8.4968
Малайзійський ринггіт9.3578
Марокканський дирхам4.1597
Пакистанська рупія0.14966
Саудівський ріял11.1249
Дирхам ОАЕ11.3606
Туніський динар13.0832
Узбецький сум0.0032204
Новий тайванський долар1.27709
Туркменський новий манат11.9218
Сербський динар0.36978
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Курси валют, встановлені НБУ на 14.02.2025