President Poroshenko to the elected Head of State: Create all conditions for Ukraine to apply for a full-fledged membership in the European Union by 2023 and sign the NATO Membership Action Plan

18.05.2019 18:06 | Press office of President

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is hopeful that the new Head of State will continue the course of Ukraine to the European Union, as most Ukrainians support this direction of state development.

"The new President of Ukraine will take up duties the day after tomorrow. I firmly hope that he will continue the course of Ukraine to the European Union. This cannot be ignored, as the absolute majority of Ukrainians stand for these positions," Petro Poroshenko said on Europe Day.

The Head of State stressed: "This is a vector that is undoubtedly supported by all Ukrainian people. This is a course that is firmly enshrined in the Ukrainian Constitution pursuant to my proposal. This is a path that is fully consistent with the national interests of the Ukrainian state".

Petro Poroshenko also gave several recommendations to his successor in the implementation of the state strategy and foreign policy. "First, preserve the trust and solidarity of the European Union with Ukraine. This achievement is of a very high value. Second, strengthen the pro-Ukrainian international solidarity of the world, the international coalition in the world in support of Ukraine, which opposes Russian aggression and supports Ukrainian reforms," he said.

The Head of State also emphasized the importance of strengthening the sanctions’ pressure on the Russian Federation, "which must liberate the Ukrainian land, ensure the restoration of Ukrainian sovereignty over the occupied territories and territorial integrity of the Ukrainian state, ensure the return of Crimea".

"Continue and effectively implement the Association Agreement with the EU and the deep and comprehensive free trade area with the EU - Ukraine must finally enter the EU’s internal market. Continue sectoral integration with the EU in the directions already fixed in the summit decisions. This is the Digital Union, Energy Union, Customs Union and Schengen Union. I am sure that these directions should be implemented already this year," he also noted.

"And last yet the most important, create all conditions for Ukraine to meet the criteria for membership in the European Union and have an opportunity to apply for a full-fledged membership in the European Union and sign the Action Plan on Ukraine"s membership in NATO by 2023," Petro Poroshenko said.

"This is a completely clear program that Ukraine is capable of fulfilling," the President noted.

He also emphasized that security cooperation, a course towards NATO is an integral part of the Euro-Atlantic strategy. "A few days ago, I met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and we clearly declared once again: NATO"s doors are open to our state and in 2023 we will be able to get the Membership Action Plan. And already in December this year, at the NATO Summit in London, we will be able to formally inform NATO members that we insist on the MAP and have a strong intention to join this defense military-political alliance," Petro Poroshenko emphasized.

"As always in history, we have great opportunities, but this is a time of great challenges. But the winner is the one who sees a clear European goal. I wish all of us strength. I thank each of you for the support I felt over the past five years in the European course of our state. Without your support, there would be nothing. I thank our partners for the great achievements that Ukraine has today," the Head of State summed up.

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