President in Brussels: We are confident that the sanctions against Russia for the aggression against Ukraine, non-fulfillment of Minsk agreements and complete ignorance of international law will be continued

13.12.2018 16:28 | Press office of President

President Petro Poroshenko is convinced that the European Union will continue sanctions against the Russian Federation in connection with the act of aggression that took place in the neutral waters of the Black Sea, the continuation of its non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements, the holding of illegal elections in the occupied part of the territory of Ukraine with complete disregard for international law and for the aggression against our state. It was stated by Petro Poroshenko in Brussels during a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

The Head of State reminded that he had already handed over the lists of persons and ships of Russia involved in the act of aggression to President of the European Council Donald Tusk. "As regards to the specific sanctions - yesterday we handed over to President Tusk, to the European Council, to the European Commission, and today I handed over these data to the Secretary General on the surnames of the Russian military, FSB officers involved in the pirate campaign, in aggression against Ukrainian ships in the Black Sea," he said. "These were FSB officers, prosecutors, investigators and judges who tried to demonstrate and imprison Ukrainian warriors," the President added.

"I emphasize again that they are prisoners of war. Russia has no jurisdiction over 24 Ukrainian soldiers. This is confirmed by the Geneva Convention," Petro Poroshenko emphasized.

According to him, Russia continues to ignore the fact that it is an aggressor in relation to Ukraine, in relation to the illegal annexation of Crimea, illegal aggression against our state in the east, act of aggression in the neutral waters of the Black Sea.

The President stressed that the European institutions were currently conducting specific discussions on the issue of sanctions against Russia: "And we hope that it will be formed, as well as the package of sanctions against (Russia due to the illegal construction of - ed.) the Kerch Bridge …”.

"Yesterday, we had very successful talks with representatives of the European Council headed by Donald Tusk and we are firmly convinced that sanctions against the Russian Federation will be continued today," Petro Poroshenko emphasized.

According to the President, the NATO Secretary General stressed that sanctions against Russia were imposed precisely because of the non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreements , the holding of illegal elections, the complete neglect of international law and the aggression against the Ukrainian state.

The President also expressed confidence that negotiations in Brussels with the European Council, NATO and the leaders of the NATO member states and the European Union would be extremely successful.

The Head of State also drew attention to the resolutions of the United States Congress with a requirement to assist Ukraine in connection with the Russian aggression in the Black and Azov Seas.

Also, Petro Poroshenko noted the adoption of the resolution by the European Parliament, which also contains a clear demand for the beginning of the discussion of sanctions against the Russian Federation for an open act of aggression in the Black and Azov Seas.

"In addition, there were decisions on sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 as an absolutely politically motivated project aimed to lower energy security of the European Union and provide economic pressure on Ukraine and the neighboring states, which is completely unacceptable," the President noted.

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