Vote for Ukraine! – President’s address on the eve of the elections to the Verkhovna Rada of October 26

25.10.2014 22:16 | Press office of President

Official Website of President of Ukraine 25.10.2014 14:08 Press office of President Dear compatriots!
October 26 is the date of the elections to the Verkhovna Rada.
They are held exactly five months after the presidential elections.
As candidate for the post of the President, I promised the Association Agreement with the EU. We’ve achieved its signing, ratified and started implementing it. Though it was hard. Even on the day of signing, June 27, when I landed in Brussels, several European leaders hesitated whether to give the green light to the Agreement or not.
I promised purification of authorities – the law on lustration was signed and it has already begun.
I promised early elections to the Parliament – and they will be held tomorrow.
I dissolved former Verkhovna Rada not only because it has been an obedient tool in the hands of the dictator, not only because there were dozens of MPs who were the fifth column of Russia, not only because the re-elections were one of the key demands of the Revolution of Dignity, but also because I was convinced of its low reformist potential. Friends, wet doesn’t burn. It is difficult to drive fast with reforms when hundreds of MPs synchronously press on breaks!
It"s time to complete a full reset of power. I believe in a deep upgrade and rejuvenation of the Parliament. You"ll see, it will be a radically new Parliament.
I have enough political will to implement the developed strategy of reforms. But I also need the majority in the Parliament. Reformist majority not corrupt one. Pro-Ukrainian and pro-European, not pro-Soviet.
Without it, the presidential program in which millions of Ukrainians believed in June will remain on paper.
My team has already prepared a draft coalition agreement. It is based on "Strategy 2020". This is a plan of changes we have developed. Its implementation will ensure the introduction of European standards and decent place of our country in the world. By 2020, Ukraine should be ready to apply for a membership in the European Union.
Not only corruption and oligarchy, but also irresponsibility of politicians and boundless populism were destroying the chance for Ukraine to develop.
Clear plan of reforms not sweat promises and distribution of posts on the basis of compromised party quotas must lay the foundation of new coalition agreement.
If we adhere to this approach, nobody and nothing will prevent the reforms. Every Ukrainian must feel the financial result of these reforms, though it will not be immediately.
The implementation of the "Strategy 2020" means economic growth, availability of work, decent wages, decent pensions, high scholarship, a successful private business.
I will do everything I can for the new coalition and new Government to be formed quickly and start working hard over the reforms.
Dear compatriots!
You can only guess my preferences. I have no right to agitate for any political force, especially today. You have an extremely wide choice. The authorities ensured fair, competitive, free and transparent election campaign. It completely meets the European standards.
Please, choose honestly. Remember only that a vote for the money is now an offense not only of those who buy, but also of those who sell. Measuring your vote with hryvnias means selling Fatherland. It is unlawful and sinful hundred times when thousands of people risk their lives defending our Homeland.
The most important our goal is peace. Our valiant soldiers liberated the majority of the Donbas from terrorists and the elections will also be held there tomorrow.
We can return territories where there is no military settlement only through political solution. It is impossible to storm Donetsk without destroying it. This city is not native for occupants. But it is native for us and our compatriots live there. Critics will not stop me from searching for peaceful solution to the situation.
At the same time, we do not forget about reinforcement of the army. We keep the powder dry and act under the principle “everything for the front, everything for the victory”.
Decision on ceasefire was beneficial first of all for the defense capacity. We healed wounds, summoned human resources, delivered weapons and equipment, built fortifications. All armored tank plants work under the three-shift schedule. Now we are much stronger than 1.5 month ago. God forbid, but they will regret if they attack.
We are building our new Ukrainian home on reliable basis of European values and patriotic enthusiasm of the people of Ukraine.
Vote for Ukraine – united, single, indivisible and European!
Glory to Ukraine!

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